Some of the pictures concern scenes from the flat landscape of the Dutch "polders", particularly in the West-Friesland region, but others show the roughness of Knoydart, on the Atlantic coast of the wild Highlands of Scotland, our home for several months each year.
On the actual pictures we've printed a unique caption; in English beneath Scottish scenes and in Dutch beneath those from the Netherlands. Here you'll find the captions below or to the right of the images, with any Dutch captions rendered in English. The pale yellow tips, that emerge when your mouse cursor hovers over an image, will show the "real" captions as printed on the pictures.
The following has already been mentioned elsewhere on this web-site, but we'll repeat it here: browsers and image viewers often don't really care for the "colour profile" of images, so the intended hue and tone will be lost. And the average computer display is notorious for its inadequate, often downright faulty colour rendition, and its coarse pixelation is especially disastrous for textures.
So if you'd prefer to see all that brazen beauty for real, you're welcome to come and see it in our studio in Oudendijk. Just make an appointment before doing so, by phone or e-mail.
Contact data can be found at the bottom of our home page or under the info button “Reactions, comments, questions...” on the previous page.
» Click on one of the numbered thumbnails on the right
and the image will appear enlarged in this window.
» For a STILL LARGER image click on "here" in the message "Click
here for a larger version" next to the image that appeared
in this window
» Click on "zoom-detail" below the numbered thumbnail to blow up
a detailed cutout view – but even this zoom-detail’s resolution
is too much reduced for an impression of the detail that would be
visible in our prints.
Do read the page Downloading images...